Patient Privacy Policy


We are committed to protecting the privacy of patient information and to handling your personal information in a responsible manner in accordance with the Privacy Act 1998 (Cth), the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012, the Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches) Act 2017, the Australian Privacy Principles and relevant State and Territory privacy legislation (referred to as privacy legislation as of 12 March 2014).

This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use and disclose your personal information, how you may access that information and how you may seek the correction of any information. It also explains how you may make a complaint about a breach of privacy legislation.

This Privacy Policy is current from August 2024. From time to time we may make changes to our policy, processes and systems in relation to how we handle your personal information. We will update this Privacy Policy to reflect any changes. Those changes will be available on our website and in the practice.


We collect information that is necessary and relevant to provide you with Osteopathic care and treatment, and manage our Osteopathy practice. 

This information may include your name, address, date of birth, gender, health information, family history, GP’s name and contact, and contact details. This information may be stored on our computer medical records system and/or in hand written medical records.

Wherever practicable we will only collect information from you personally. However, we may also need to collect information from other sources such as your GP, treating specialists, radiologists, pathologists, hospitals and other health care providers.

We will inform your GP when you attend as a new patient, or when re-attending with a new clinical complaint or presentation. If you do not want your GP to be contacted, please convey this to your practitioner or receptionist.

We collect information in various ways, such as over the phone, in writing, or in person at our practice. This information may be collected by clinical and non-clinical staff.

In emergency situations we may also need to collect information from your relatives or friends.
We may be required by law to retain medical records for certain periods of time depending on your age at the time we provide services.

Use and Disclosure

We will treat your personal information as strictly private and confidential. We will only use or disclose it for purposes directly related to your care and treatment, or in ways that you would reasonably expect that we may use it for your ongoing care and treatment. For example, the disclosure of blood test results to your specialist or requests for x-rays.

There are circumstances where we may be permitted or required by law to disclose your personal information to third parties. For example: to Medicare; Police; insurers; solicitors; government regulatory bodies; tribunals; courts of law; hospitals; or debt collection agents. We may also from time to time provide statistical data to third parties for research purposes. This data will at all times be de-identified.

We may disclose information about you to outside contractors to carry out activities on our behalf, such as an IT service provider, solicitor or debt collection agent. We impose security and confidentiality requirements on how they handle your personal information. Outside contractors are required not to use information about you for any purpose except for those activities we have asked them to perform.

Data Quality and Security

We will take reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is accurate, complete, up to date and relevant. For this purpose our staff will ask you to confirm that your contact details are correct when you attend a consultation. We request that you let us know if any of the information we hold about you is incorrect or out of date.

Personal information that we hold is protected by:

  • securing our premises;
  • placing passwords and varying access levels on databases to limit access and protect electronic information from unauthorised interference, access, modification and disclosure; and
  • providing locked cabinets and rooms for the storage of physical records.
  • complying with the Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) Act 2017.


If you believe that the information we have about you is not accurate, complete or up-to-date, we ask that you contact us in writing (see details below).


You are entitled to request access to your medical records. We request that you put your request in writing and we will respond to it within a reasonable time.

There may be a fee for the administrative costs of retrieving and providing you with copies of your medical records.

We may deny access to your medical records in certain circumstances permitted by law, for example, if disclosure may cause a serious threat to your health or safety. We will always tell you why access is denied and the options you have to respond to our decision.


If you have a complaint about the privacy of your personal information, we request that you contact us in writing. Upon receipt of a complaint we will consider the details and attempt to resolve it in accordance with our complaints handling procedures.

If you are dissatisfied with our handling of a complaint or the outcome you may make an application to the Australian Information Commissioner on 1300 363 992 or the Privacy Commissioner in your State or Territory on 1800 472 679.

Overseas Transfer of Data

We will not transfer your personal information to an overseas recipient unless we have your consent or we are required to do so by law.


Please direct any queries, complaints, requests for access to medical records to:

Central Sydney Osteopathy 
90 Audley Street

T: 95573176

E: [email protected]