
Do i need a referrral to see my Osteopath?

No, anyone can make an appointment with an Osteopath. However, your general practitioner or specialist may recommend osteopathic treatment for certain conditions or problems. If you are unsure as to whether your specific complaint can be helped by Osteopathy, please call or email Central Sydney Osteopathy at [email protected]

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Are Osteopaths ‘Doctors’?

In Australia, registered Osteopaths are legally permitted to use the title ‘Dr’ when the word Osteopath appears after the name of the practitioner. So I would be Dr Anne Cooper OAM RN DO MMedHum, Osteopath. However many of us choose to not use the title, simply because it can be confusing for patients and other […]

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Is Osteopathy Safe? is it Effective?

In fact, Osteopathic care is immeasurably safer than driving in a car, riding a bike, walking in a park, flying in a plane, taking aspirin or NSAIDs, or just staying in bed. The risk of injury from spinal manipulation is related to the upper cervical spine, with the head held backwards and rotated as far […]

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What are the tenets of Osteopathic Medicine?

Osteopathic medicine is based on the following principles. These direct the osteopathic diagnosis and treatment. The body is a co-ordinated unit, with contiguous tissues intimately related to and influencing each other. The structure and function of the body are reciprocally inter-related. The body has the inherent capacity to regulate, defend and repair itself. When the […]

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Are Osteopathy and Chiropractic Safe? Are they Effective?

Are Osteopathy and Chiropractic safe? In fact, Osteopathy and Chiropractic care are immeasurably safer that driving in a car, riding a bike, walking in a park, flying in a plane, staying in bed or taking an aspirin. The risk of injury from spinal manipulation is related to the upper cervical spine, with the head held […]

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Does Osteopathy Work With Modern Medicine?

Modern scientific medicine, Osteopathy and chiropractic work well together. At Central Sydney Osteopathy we embrace all medical care - surgery, rehabilitation, antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals, public health initiatives, radiology, and immunisation, when these interventions are required and appropriate. There is no such thing as alternative, or complementary, or orthodox, medicine - there is only effective […]

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